100 copies
Photocopy fanzine, ink-jet print cover and color offset insert
Concept and design by Galería Chilena
Texts by Felipe Fernández, Michele Faguet and Osvaldo Sotomayor
October 2004



Press release excerpt:

Condoros/Mistakes is a painting exhibition based on Condorito, a Chilean comic strip that has been widely distributed throughout Latin America for over 50 years. Born in 1948 as a straight response to Disney’s Mickey Mouse, the stories of Condorito throw light over important facts of the Latin American archetype and general stereotypes. Condorito plays any role, does odd jobs, travels freely through history and society, its ingenuity and spark always being filled with prejudice, sarcasm, and cruelty. He lives in Pelotillehue (Ballton?), a generic little town that is both extremely local and global, existing in any time and place, out of the now and all the components that build our notion of reality. Whatever it is that connects the stories in Condorito with our reality looks like it has been there before us, and it will stay there after us.

At the core of the idea of this show, what called our attention at first was the role of art inside the comic strip: when Condorito visits an art show or becomes an artist or gallerist, most of the time what we see is a show of “modern art”, with great masters of the 20th century, cartoonized. In general, art within Condorito, a classic piece of history or a kiddie doodle, can never escape from being punked. It might be interesting to analyze how this presentation of the modern, ridiculed and despised, might still be the closest approach to the art world for a really wide audience of readers of Condorito throughout the third world”.

Condoros/Mistakes, received the kind support and guidance of 24/7 Gallery (Pablo Leon de la Barra, Sebastian Ramirez & Beatriz Lopez), Gasworks Residency Programme (Alessio Antoniolli & Mia Jankowicz) and it was been partially financed by DIRAC, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Gobierno de Chile.

Printed on the occasion of the exhibition:
Condoros/Mistakes (GCH#19)
Galería Chilena at Union Walk, E2, London
October 22nd, 6 pm-midnight
