2020 GGM


Installation views, Senderos Transversales
Group show, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile
Curated by Cristian Silva
November 15, 2020 – January 2021

Participating artists: Magdalena Atria, Carolina Bassi, Catalina Bauer, Mónica Bengoa, Samy Benmayor, Sibyl Brintrup, Roser Bru, Paz Carvajal, Juan Castillo, Magdalena Correa, Isabel del Río, Arturo Duclos, Raimundo Edwards, Paz Errázuriz, Rodrigo Galecio, Carlos Gallardo, Lea Kleiner, Felipe Mujica, Carlos Navarrete, Mario Navarro, Leonardo Portus, Gerardo Pulido, Cristián Silva, Mario Soro, Francisca Sutil, Johanna Unzueta, Andrés Vial, Eduardo Vilches, Lorena Villablanca, Alicia Villarreal, Grace Weinrib, and  Ximena Zomosa.



Press Release excerpt: Senderos Transversales (Transversal Paths) is an exhibition/homage from peers to a silent, profound and mysterious body of work, which has managed to bring together the vernacular and the experimental. Eduardo Vilches, the winner of the 2019 Premio Nacional de Arte, with a sustained artistic and academic career for almost 60 years, has been one of the most prominent and influential visual artists of recent times in Chile. His legacy is manifested with great clarity in the work of multiple generations of artists, many of which will be exhibited at Galería Gabriela Mistral, dependent on the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage.

Although these artists belong to diverse generations and origins, and operate from most different approaches, temperaments, languages, lines of work, production, and circulation systems, their works present in this exhibition manage to establish a high degree of correspondence and harmony with the principles that throughout decades have so naturally emanated from the work of Eduardo Vilches: economy of means, capacity for synthesis, sensitivity, precision, elegance and a pinch of humor, the tension between the organic and the geometric, between the full and the empty, between the eloquent and the suggestive. In addition to that distinctive breadth of register that ranges from the intimate to the contemplative, to the reflective, to the most expressive and the most social.

Representative works of Vilches’ different “periods” will be interspersed with the greatest possible ease, with works of colleagues, trying to establish dialogues and intersections between the multiple languages explored by the teacher and the other participating artists of the show.
